17th of March 2022
Meet the smallest controller of the Agrónic family
We’re launching a new product! The controller you’ve been asking for.
Agrónic Smart, the ideal irrigation controller for use on small land parcels and in gardens
You won’t need to use garden controllers for agriculture anymore!
It doesn’t have a keyboard or screen and is programmed and configured using a phone app, with a wireless connection at up to 50 metres.
As it offers a very high degree of protection against the elements, it does not require an auxiliary box.
Uses two long-lasting alkaline batteries.
The features of Agrónic Smart are above standard for gardening:
• Up to 10 outputs
• 5 different schedules in the same program
• Permits irrigation of more than one sector at once
• Activation of a sector on different programs
• Alternating sequence of sectors (in the Plus version)
• Fertilizer control (in the Plus version)
• Different fertilization time for each sector
• Activation of a general output
• Irrigation stop and start conditions
• Irrigation, fertilizer or rain meter
• Ability to view totals and flow
• Configuration of water hammer
Find out more: