
Connection Boxes between PC and AGRÓNIC

RS485 / RS232 junction box with 6-pin round connector or RS485 + USB junction box without power supply.

Avisador GSM

Controller for sending SMS messages to GSM mobile phones, once the signal has been received from any of the external elements to which it has been connected. Its application can be in any system that needs to send warnings or alarms to mobile phones.

Radio Controls

Controller for directional communication based on master-slave operation. Models with 6 digital inputs/outputs. Range between 2 and 7 km according to orography  with omnidirectional antennas. Pending coverage study between both points.


Point-to-point communication: controller with radio frequency 446 MHz from 1 W to 4 W for connection between point-to-point devices over long distances. Power supply at 12 Vdc or 220 Vac with RS485 connection.

Point-to-multipoint communication: Same as above, with the exception of connection between point-to-multipoint devices and the option of repeater over long distances.

Agrónic Radiomódem 433 MHz

It allows the interconnection via radio in free band 433 MHz between an Agrónic and your PC program, or an Agrónic and an EAM/EAR.

Cada de diodos

La caja de diodos permite la separación eléctrica de los solenoides, evitando que se interfieran durante las maniobras de marcha / paro.

Agrónics inputs / outputs and power protections

Protection of inputs, outputs or power supply for installations that may be affected by overvoltage or electric shocks.

Solar panel regulator with battery
regulador panel solar

Set consisting of a photovoltaic solar energy regulator plus a 12V / 7 Ah capacity battery.

The regulator charges the battery with the energy generated by the solar panel, protects it from overloads, prevents excessive discharges and manages the power of the connected elements.

The regulator circuit is protected against reverse polarity, short circuit, and surge.

Indication of battery charge status, overvoltage and system failure.

To start charging, the battery must be above 11.0 V. If not, pre-charge with a battery charger.

Gateway for the Davis Vantage Pro2 station

The Agrónic 2500 and Agrónic 5500 can be connected to a Davis VantagePro2 weather station and use the station’s sensor readings to record and act on determining factors.

Use the GWY-141 VantagePro2 Modbus Gateway module to make the connection, which acts as a gateway between the Agrónic and the weather station.

This gateway connects to the Agrónic through the RS485 bus and the ModBus protocol. The “RS 485 Modbus Link” option is required in the Agrónic.